With the last Java Shrine outing taking the band once again back to Germany for a string of sellout shows, their latest endeavour now sees this ever evolving 5 piece move in yet another new direction, in collectively writing and recording new music from numerous locations around the globe.
The band has gone into what you could describe as a mobile writing/recording mode. Thanks to the internet and other digital media, it’s now easier than ever to transfer large, studio quality, audio files within minutes, meaning that the guys can put down their own parts from different locations around the world. So far audio has been transferred to and from Ireland, Germany, England and Canada where the band members are currently based.
Truth be told, this is nothing new as many artists continue to collaborate virtually in this digital world. However, with the band members all working on individual projects of their own and viewing this Java Shrine project with a sense of nostalgia filled with old school enjoyment, this very much puts the mood of this newest work in a very relaxed and laid back atmosphere. Exactly what could be needed for this new material!
With all of the members inputting to the lyrics, music and arrangements of the songs, this newest project is a first for the band, who have in the past individually submitted the major workings of songs for the band to produce as a whole. This new approach has really opened up the creative possibilities with the initial results being hugely positive and greatly received by all the members.
Updates will follow, so please do check back soon or follow @javashrine on twitter #JavaOnline
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